
This video shows how to modify the TI-84 calculator to enable functions such as online chatting, downloading cheat sheets, accessing GPT models, etc., so as to achieve unethical cheating in the exam. The following is a summary of the key points of the video:
- Possibly removing the TI-84 from the list of permitted calculators for standardized tests.
- Surprise for engineers at Texas Instruments (TI).
- Help users pass their calculus exams with custom hardware modifications.
Implementation process:
The core of the modification is to add a Seed Studio ESP32 C3 Wi-Fi microcontroller to the TI-84 calculator . The module is small and has Wi-Fi connectivity.
Data is transferred using the TI-84's 2.5mm jack(often mistaken for a headphone jack). The Homebrew community reverse-engineered the protocol to enable it to interface with microcontrollers.
The steps to achieve this include:
- Use basic electronic components to light up LEDs and vibrate motors.
- Create a modification that allows the TI-84 to search the web, chat, or download prepared cheat sheets during an exam.
Technical Details
- The main challenge was the mismatch between the 3.3V supply from the microcontroller and the 5V supply from the calculator link port. This was solved by using a level shifting circuit .
- A custom PCB (printed circuit board) was created to simplify wiring and increase the reliability of the modification.
- On the software side, the TI-84 is modified to communicate with a microcontroller, which emulates another TI-84 calculator. The TI-84 uses TI-BASIC commands to interact with the microcontroller.
What The Modified Calculator Is Capable of
- Chat with friends during exam time.
- Download images and cheat sheets from the server.
- Get answers fast with ChatGPT.
- Bypass exam mode(which limits calculator functionality during exams).
- Author:KCGOD
- URL:https://kcgod.com/Modify-TI-84-Calculator
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!
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